Written by International Coordinating Committee
6 February 2009
The International Coordinating Committee (ICC) of the International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS) held its meeting on February 5-6, 2009 in the Netherlands in the midst of rising resistance of the peoples of the world to the most serious imperialist crisis since the 1930s and shortly after global protests against the brutal Zionist aggression in Gaza.
Chairperson Jose Maria Sison reported on the internal memoranda he issued on various matters since 30 June 2008. These memoranda dealt with the assessment of the Third International Assembly (TIA), the drawing up of a calendar of ILPS activities and campaigns, submission by the commissions of materials for volume II of the book on the TIA, guidelines on the formation of national chapters, suggested amendments on the draft By-Laws and on the plan to hold a forum on the global economic and financial crisis.
The Chairperson also informed the body regarding the statements on major issues and events and messages of solidarity to ILPS forces and friends that he issued in his function as spokesperson of ILPS. Among the major issues and events he addressed were the global capitalist economic and financial crisis, US hypocrisy on the Russian-Georgian conflict, support for the Greek people’s struggle in December 2008 and building solidarity actions against the Zionist attack on Gaza.
The Chairperson announced the publication and availability of Volume I of the Third ILPS International Assembly This contains the major documents approved by the TIA as well as the speeches during the plenary sessions. He urged the ICC and ILPS member-organizations to use the book for propagating the ILPS, enlisting more member-organizations and raising funds.
Vice-Chairperson on Internal Affairs Dr. Carol P. Araullo submitted to the body the reports of 12 commissions and her comments. She cited the different levels of development of the commissions and pointed to the need for other commissions to exert more efforts to strengthen themselves.
Vice-Chairperson for External Affairs Manolis Arkolakis proposed that he and the Vice-Chairperson for Internal Affairs worked closer in relation to expanding the contacts and developing relations with other forces and alliances.
Secretary General Arman Riazi sent a report on the international campaigns against displacement and other campaigns launched by the ILPS.
The Treasurer presented a report on the current status of ILPS finances. He said that there has been a marked improvement in revenues particularly in the payment of membership dues.
The ICC went over the draft By-Laws submitted by the International Coordinating Group (ICG), made amendments and approved it.
ICC members gave reports on ILPS activities in their respective countries. They reported on mobilizations they carried out on major issues such as on the current global economic and financial crisis.
The most exhilarating and memorable part of the two-day meeting were the reports on the global activities of ILPS member organizations. On five continents they were on the front lines in the protests against Israeli attempt to annihilate the people of Gaza, even braving temperatures of -20 degrees in Canada. ICC members also heard a first hand report about the powerful uprising of the people of Greece, actions in the US following the police murder of young Oscar Grant, protests in Brazil against the criminalization of poor peasants struggling for land and the defense of Amazonia and the Indonesian people's movement against land grabbing and palm oil plantations.
ICC members also reported on the efforts and prospects for strengthening and expanding the ILPS organization at various levels through the setting up of national chapters and global region committees.
Commissions of the ILPS presented reports on their activities and future plans. The ICC discussed the reports and made decisions on the recommendations of the commissions and the Vice Chairperson for Internal Affairs. It instructed the General Secretariat to publish the organizational status and calendar of activities of the commissions.
The ICC approved the following resolutions:
Resolution in Support of the Palestinian People
Resolution on the Economic and Financial Crisis
Resolution on the 6th Anniversary of US Imperialist-Led Occupation of Iraq
Resolution in Solidarity for the People's Movements for Peace and Democracy in the Korea Peninsula
Resolution Against the Criminalization of Poverty in Brazil
The ICC resolved to launch three coordinated struggles globally for 2009:
Continue the global resistance against the continuing displacements of peasants, rural folk and other working people from their homes, lands, farms and communities.
Heighten the coordinated struggles against imperialist aggression and wars in Gaza, Iraq, Afghanistan and in other parts of the world including the resistance to US military preserve and bases.
Launch a globally coordinated struggle, including support to RESIST, against imperialist exploitation and oppression in the effort of monopoly capital to pass on to the working people of the world the burden of the current imperialist economic and financial crisis.
The ICC resolved that the ILPS mobilize its member organizations, allies, and the masses in general for these globally coordinated struggles as well as several key struggles of international significance:
Commemoration of the 6th anniversary of invasion of Iraq on March 21, 2009
Expose and oppose imperialist agenda in the G20 meeting in London, UK, in March 2009
Protest actions against the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of NATO, April 1-5, 2009
People's Tribunal on the Asian Development Bank Meeting in Bali, Indonesia in May 2009
Support the International Migrants Alliance (IMA) to expose and oppose the Global Forum on Migration and Development in Athens, Greece on November 4-5, 2009.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Invitation to the International Meeting in Thessaloniki on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the imperialist intervention in Yugoslavia
Invitation to the International Meeting in Thessaloniki on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the imperialist intervention in Yugoslavia
The Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist), on the occasion of the 10th anniversary since the waging of the NATO military, imperialist intervention against former Yugoslavia and the bombardment against Serbia, in May 1999, is organising a multipartite international meeting of communist parties and organizations from the Balkans, Eastern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean. the aim is to exchange views on the international situation and seek ways to consolidate international solidarity and the anti-imperialist struggle of the peoples in the region.
Ten years after the fierce bombings against the people of Serbia and the imperialist intervention in Kosovo, the Balkans remain the stage of intensive imperialist rivalries and foreign intervention. The recognition of Kosovo paved the way for the re-maping of the borders in the Balkans, which generates new serious dangers to peace and the future of the Balkan peoples. The policy of NATO expansion is on the same direction as the entrance of new countries in this imperialist coalition which will celebrate its 60th anniversary this spring. The peoples of the Balkans are constantly and seriously affected by the imperialist intervention and NATO custody.
The war developments in Georgia, the installation of the US anti-missile shield in Eastern Europe, the strong military mobilization in the Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean strongly indicate that the imperialist rivalry generates dangers for all peoples and their right to live in safety and peace. The recent criminal attack of Israel against the Gaza Strip and the mass slaughter of the Palestinian people underline the necessity for building a strong solidarity front internationally in support of the just struggle of the Palestinians for free Palestine.
There is no other alternative than building a strong anti-imperialist common front of peoples and their movements, independent of imperialist and bourgeois chauvinist, nationalist custody. its aim would be to oust the imperialist military and political presence from the region. Communists and all progressive and peace loving people should play the leading role in this by coordinating their steps and their struggle and by building bonds of international solidarity and cooperation for joined action common activity.
We hope that this meeting will contribute to this direction, along with the exchange of views and ideas. Our intention is to contribute to building an international anti-war, anti-imperialist front that will take initiatives of action and mobilization of the working and people’s forces.
In this context, we invite you to participate in the International Meeting in Thessaloniki, on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 of March 2009. During these two days a multipartite meeting will take place (with all the participants), and there will be a chance for bilateral meetings and exchange of views. An open debate with the topic “Developments in the Balkans and the region- the imperialist intervention and the answer of the peoples” will also take place.
This meeting is also supported by ILPS (International League of People’s Struggle) which rallies more than two hundreds social, union and anti-imperialist organizations from all over the world as well as anti-imperialist and anti-war commissions from various cities of Greece.
CPG (m-l) will provide the accommodation of delegations. We would expect that you confirm your participation and the number of delegates within 15 days most, in order to make preparations on time. English will be the basic language used in the meeting, but there will also be translations in German, Italian and Spanish.
The program of the meeting is as follows:
SATURDAY 21/3/2009
10.00 am -14.00 pm.: Meeting of delegations and discussion about the situation in Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean; the imperialist intervention and information about the anti-imperialist movement in every country.
19.00 pm.: Open debate with the topic: “10 years since the imperialist intervention in Yugoslavia, the peoples’ struggle against imperialism in the Balkans and the world”.
(The allocated time is 15 minutes. It will be a real help if you send your contribution in time, in order to have them translated and distributed to the people attending).
SUNDAY 22/3/2009
10.00 am.: Meeting of delegations about the anti-imperialist coordination and joined action. Discussion about a common declaration/communique statement of the meeting.
Meeting procedures and the open debate will take place within the university campus of Thessaloniki.
Athens, 1/2/2009
Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist)
International Bureau
International Bureau
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Greetings for the 14th anniversary of People's War
To the Central Committee of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
On behalf of the members and the cadres of the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist), we sent warmest revolutionary greetings for the 14th anniversary of People's War and we kindly request you to convey it to your members and cadres but also to the progressive Nepali men and women who actively participate in the struggle for social and national liberation.
Greek communists and many progressives and leftists follow closely the very important political and social developments in Nepal and express their support and solidarity. They wish your Party efforts will succeed and the struggle of the Nepali people will justify. The recent success of your Party's unification efforts filled them with joy and they hope that all the others unifying efforts will succeed towards the greatest possible unity of Nepali communists.
We think that your struggle for establishing a new constitution which will serve popular expectations of the vast majority of Nepali people is very significant and we state our full support to the struggle conducted against local reactionaries and foreign forces that try to obstruct the course of the Nepali people's revolutionary movement.
In a period of increasing needs and duties for the communists all over the planet your struggle is a source of inspiration and optimism.
Leading Organ of CPG(m-l)
Athens 11/02/2009
On behalf of the members and the cadres of the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist), we sent warmest revolutionary greetings for the 14th anniversary of People's War and we kindly request you to convey it to your members and cadres but also to the progressive Nepali men and women who actively participate in the struggle for social and national liberation.
Greek communists and many progressives and leftists follow closely the very important political and social developments in Nepal and express their support and solidarity. They wish your Party efforts will succeed and the struggle of the Nepali people will justify. The recent success of your Party's unification efforts filled them with joy and they hope that all the others unifying efforts will succeed towards the greatest possible unity of Nepali communists.
We think that your struggle for establishing a new constitution which will serve popular expectations of the vast majority of Nepali people is very significant and we state our full support to the struggle conducted against local reactionaries and foreign forces that try to obstruct the course of the Nepali people's revolutionary movement.
In a period of increasing needs and duties for the communists all over the planet your struggle is a source of inspiration and optimism.
Leading Organ of CPG(m-l)
Athens 11/02/2009
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